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Controlling Your Thoughts

I must say..... this one I struggle with the most. The enemy makes every attempt to have me in my thoughts constantly. My husband once told me, "My wife is like a box of chocolates, I don't know who I am going to wake up next to, or come home to." It was hurtful to say the least, but it is true. I don't even know who I am at times. I am constantly harboring bitterness, shame and pain from my past. I am haunted by it in my thoughts. I have hurt many people on my path. However, these are things to which I have absolutely no control over, because I can't change the past. What I can do, is control my thoughts.  I know I have been given Grace from God and that I have been forgiven, still I have not forgave myself. The enemy says: My goal is to attack your mind with worry, fear, doubt. I will create chaos. I will do anything to keep your mind off the Lord. And we allow him that control. Controlling my thoughts is one of the hardest things to do. John MacArthur quoted, ...
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