Yesterday, I came across a blog ( Sydney Stephens), and it spoke volumes to me. The blog was called, “This One Word Changed My Life.” One word. You think to yourself, what word could possibly change my life? In my case, the one word that changed her life was the exact word that changed mine and continues to change my life daily; “ODEDIENCE.”
I have been a Christian since I was 12 years old. I still
remember that day fondly. The day I took Christ into my heart, to the day I was
baptized by the holy spirit. I was so young. Through the adult years I knew
Christ, I tried to lead a good life, but still I was living worldly ways and
was searching for things in a world so messed up. I was doing it my way. I
seriously thought my way was better. I have been through two marriages and 2 long term relationships. I even went through jobs trying to find something that would
make life better. While I have went through many storms in my life, nothing
prepared me for what was about to hit me 4 years ago. While searching for those
“worldly” things, the enemy was lurking and being very sneaky. Never
underestimate his power. God is more powerful than anything, but the enemy can get
you when you least expect it and that is just what happened. I wasn’t being
obedient in my life to God. I wasn’t living the life that involved him. I was
living a life where I found scriptures that fit within my life and honestly wasn't using them as I should have been. That is our problem today! So many people try
to change the bible to fit their needs. The bible is to change us from within.
We aren’t supposed to change it. #worldlyways What happened in my life 3 of
those 4 years became a darkness. I was living in a box. I was living a dark
sinful life and no matter how many times I was at the alter on Sunday mornings
and how many times I was on my knees praying to God to release me from that
sin, All I found was silence. It was the scariest time of my life. I had no
peace, no comfort, and there was no purpose. I believed the enemies lies over
what God wanted to release me from. For 3 years I kept going back and listening
to those empty words and I became depressed, anxious and lacking happiness, all
because I believed in a superficial joy. Daily, I searched for a way out.
Daily, I would lay it at his feet. Finally, in January of 2019, I became sick
and had to quarantine myself for 12 days. I was alone. I was broken. I didn’t
know who I was anymore. I will never forget that day I was in bed crying out to
God, wrestling with him and asking him why? Why did he allow this? It was then,
I knew. That peace flooded my heart. God never left me. I couldn’t hear him
because I was living that sinful life. He wasn’t silent. He provided ample
opportunities for me to make that CHOICE to leave sin. He covered me with
comfort. God became the thing I needed most in my life going forward. I had to
obey him. I had to make him number 1. I had to allow him to lead my life. Don’t
think for once at all, that from that point on, the enemy didn’t try to tempt me,
because he came at me strong.
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