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Influence- Godly Woman vs Worldly Woman

 One day back in the fall, a close friend and I were sitting down after church one Sunday fellowshipping amongst one another. While our discussion was on the Lord, they mentioned something that has been with me since that day. They spoke these four words, "I am an influencer." That made me think a lot and while I have been trying to type this blog since August, I feel now is the time to finish it. 

Let's look at the definition of "Influencer". A person or thing that influences another. 

As a Christian female, I have many friends and people who I come in contact with daily. The bible says to use your influence for the good of everyone. We should be a blessing to the whole world. When I think about what my close friend said, I think about those who I influence in my daily life. Sometimes we become so comfortable in our daily lives and become unaware of the extent to which people observe our lives. Our daily decisions should demonstrate to the world that we are Disciples of Christ. Some Christians' acknowledge Christ in the church, but not in their work place, school, Home, or even to people in passing on the streets. We must be Influencers and apply this to everyday life! 

When I think about "Godly Woman vs Worldly Woman", I can't help but feel convicted about different times in my life where I have allowed the world to influence me instead of having Godly women in my life. My definition of a Godly Woman is someone who holds accountability. Someone who speaks truth of the bible and never changes it to fit the world. A woman who is modest in her appearance. A woman who shows compassion and love towards anyone she comes in contact with. A woman who prays and fears the Lord. A woman who is convicted when she knows she is breaking the Lords heart if she is in sin. A Godly woman is a woman who closely mirrors Jesus and walks continuously in righteousness in accordance to biblical standards and not the way of the world. 

Now my definition of a Worldly Woman does not come so lightly. And my description of her is not one to judge, merely this is someone I used to be. A worldly woman does not love herself. She conforms to the world. She seeks love through temporary things. She seeks love through men. She thrives for attention. She dresses sexy and shows her body off. She does not clothe herself with dignity. A worldly woman lives in total chaos and her world is in shambles. A worldly woman secretly lives in darkness. A worldly woman walks a sinful dark life. She can't find peace, she can't control her house, and she simply doesn't know how to truly live. 

In Romans 12:1-2 we have instruction and command that we should not conform to the world, but live in accordance with God's will. Our daily decisions depend on who we influence. Jesus said that his disciples will be recognized by the fruits of their lives and not by what they said or consider as their beliefs. 

Love for God should be the most important thing in life and decision making. We keep forgetting that we cannot sow a bad seed and get good crops. No one has an excuse. As long as we follow the biblical instructions about daily decisions to be Godly Influencers we will always be on the right path. Walking with God is not just a nice phrase, but rather living a specific way of life and having an active relationship with God. 

"We may not be able to change the entire world by our wise decision making based on the Bible, but we will surely change our own world. For example, the decision of a wife to be submissive to her husband in accordance to the Bible may not bring revolutionary changes in the world, but it will contribute to the quality of their shared life. The decision of a husband to love his wife as Christ loved the church may not bring abundance to the nation, but it will surely bring a blessing to their life together. Instead of allowing ourselves to be attracted by the world through its rich and temporary offers, we can decide to serve as a fragrance so that many can be attracted to God for eternity when they see “the purity and reverence of our lives.” Is it a worthy task to contemplate, in a biblical way, all the challenges and needs in our lives? Surely, it is worthy! Because, along with God’s perspective on life, we also gain access to God’s power and help for a holy life." -anonymous

Ladies, we are Role Models for our husbands, our children, our homes, our friends, and those we come in contact with daily. Live a Godly life. As my friend said, "Don't be someone's stumbling block." Live in the biblical truth. Don't conform to the worldly ways. Don't change the bible to fit someone's needs. That person is counting on you to Speak Truth! 

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Proverbs 31 



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