Yesterday as I was standing in church worshiping, (my most favorite time to praise Jesus), my worship minister caught my attention with the story of Moses wanting to see God's face. I wanted to dig deeper. Maybe that was part of God's plan. To dig deeper. Exodus 34:1-7 tells us that God told "Moses to chisel out two stone tablets and walk up to Mount Sinai alone. No one was allowed to even see him anywhere on the mountain. Just as Moses had done what he was commanded, God ascended down from the cloud and proclaimed his name as Yahweh and passed in front of Moses proclaiming to be The Lord, The compassionate and Gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, Maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin." God of Compassion and Grace. Wow. It astounded me. We have a loving God who shows us compassion because he loves us. He loves us so much that he created his son to die for our sins. Let's talk now about Jesus. Jesus ...
My name is Amanda Lanier. I am married to my husband Ray, together we have 5 children and I am a child of God. There is one purpose in my life and that is to seek out God's calling upon my life. When you realize God's purpose for your life isn't just about you; He will use you in a Mighty Way.